Roasted Beets Kale Salad

Why Kale? for many reasons! My number one is that it does wonders to the digestive system and it makes me feel so good! Another good reason is that one cup of kale contains only 33 calories, packed with vitamins C, A and K. It is very high in beta carotene and rich in calcium. Are you convinced yet? Oh, and this recipe is my latest version and is extra delicious!

Serving the kale in individual dishes will make it for an elegant presentation.


4 cups curly kale, chopped

1 medium red beet

1 medium yellow beet

1/2 cup shredded carrots

1/3 cup dry roasted sunflower seeds or chopped walnuts


1-2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 lemon, juice & zest

1 orange, juice & zest

1 tablespoon pure maple syrup





Heat oven to 375 F.

Wash the beets. Take an aluminum foil and cover the beets individually, then place them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for about 40 minutes, until soft. Let it cool before peeling the skin off and slicing into cubes. (you can do that step ahead of time.)

Next, mix all the salad ingredients.

Mix all the dressing ingredients.

Pour the dressing over the salad, massage the kale slightly and serve.

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